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Monday, April 13, 2009

Quick checkin and status update

hey folks, i know i'm behind on my post..but i'm sick have some pity on me. baby and I are currently sniffling and sneezing and a bit achy but otherwise ok. this cold doesn't seem to be taking a tole on us...well on baby anyway..i'm ready to crawl under the covers and sleep the day away.

but baby has other ideas. he currently being social with my niece and cousin who's visiting this week since there's no school. oh joy. not!

anyway, i'm off to get some soup and then edit photos...i always have bunches from our adventures...and then try to update...somewhere, showhow...cause I have lot to share =)


parenting BY dummies says:
at: April 13, 2009 at 5:35 AM said...

No school is no fun. At least not for Mommy. Thank goodness this is our last day on Spring Break, never thought I'd actually be SOOOOOO happy to have school start again. I have pity on you. If no other reason than that you are just starting spring break. Good luck:)