Saturday, August 13, 2011

Taking a Day Off for Us

Lately it seemed like every weekend is about covering a media blog event or staying inside working to meet a blog project deadline. The weekends have rarely been just about enjoying a relaxing fun filled moment. Welp, this weekend I decided to not attend any media blog events and to ignore the work related paperwork I brought home. Instead I packed our lunches, grabbed my son's bucket and headed outside for a day of activity just for us.

day for us at the park

We headed to our local park intent on enjoying as many activities as we could before my son's nap time meltdown. I'm proud to say we rocked the playground and had a great time.

day for us at the park

First we stop by the sand box, where my son had a chance to enjoy his crabby bucket and pail. Then my son enjoyed some sprinkler action before slipping and sliding on the slides.

day for us at the park
day for us at the park

Then it was time for a lunch break with a turkey sandwich and yummy grapes. We also snuck in some hugs and kisses time,

day for us at the park
day for us at the park
day for us at the park

Then it was back to the action of climbing, running down the slide and just running around for the fun of it. I still swear my son is trying out for the toddler Olympics. After all the fun was done my son let me know it was time to go by trying to open the gate and leave. Clearly he was ready to go home and take a nap.

As we headed back home I was glad I took some time during the day just for us. The world and other people can be so demanding sometimes. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in doing things for others that I put my son and my needs on the back burner. I hate those moments because it turns me into the type of mom I'm not. The type of mom I swore I wouldn't be.

As I sat on the park bench sharing grapes with my son, I was reminded of the type of mom I swore I would be. A mom who's there. Having my son enjoy my company is something that shouldn't be put on the back burner or delayed. I need more days that remind me of that.

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Yakini said...

Sounds like a perfect day!!

Nikki said...

It was for us. Glad I took time for it

Bicultural Mama said...

Loved the photos - it's obvious you two had a great time together. What a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a GREAT day! ) Glad you both enjoyed it!

Nikki said...

Hope you ladies spend a day with someone you love soon :)