Thursday, August 16, 2012

Making My Son's Elmo Dreams Come True

I'm 4 years into this parenting thing, and one thing I've come to learn, is that parents are wish granters. We'll do whatever it take to make our child's dream come true. I think that is as it should be. I recently had a chance to make my son's dream a reality when I was invite to preview Elmo's new DVD and meet him after.


Now in full disclosre I wanna mention, my son hasn't had a personal meeting with Elmo, while I have met Elmo a few times. It's one of the perks of my other life as a semi famous mom blogger. But these perks are hard earned. I've put many long hours into blogging, getting my presence out there and connecting with dream companies like Sesame Street. Meeting Elmo isn't as easy as it seems. But I do what I have to because I know my son loves Elmo. Heck I love Elmo. And our love was rewarded.


My son was beyond excited, as we headed to theater reserved just for the small group of families invited to the screening. As he sat in his seat, he asked me about a zillions times when the movie will start. When the movie finally started he quickly hopped into my lap giggling with excitement. Watching Sesame Street is something we've always done together.


After the screening, Elmo and Abby popped on stage and the kids went wild. At this point I should mention that I'm the only black mom at this event. The only one. I share this so you understand the next series of events.


As Elmo and Abby tell us about their new movie, these little white kids lose their minds and rush the stage. Their parents aren't far behind and the battle starts so their kids can get access. I just sit and watch the craziness from the comfort of my seat. My son watches with me. We're not fans of crowds.

At a certain point they announce it's time for the meet and greet with Elmo and Abby. They clearly said for everyone to sit in their seats and they'll call families by rows. That plan soon went out the window when children start having melt downs and their parents allow it. No explaining about waiting, no taking turns, no common courtesy. The white privileged mindset at work.

One women followed her crying child down the stairs and tries to skipped everyone. She loudly explains her child loves Elmo so much and wont calm down until she meets him. Can her child just go first?

At this point I start to see red... and my skin starts to turn green. My she-hulk personality in mom mode is a dangerous thing.

The thought in my head....Is her child any better then my son? Does her child love Elmo more then my son? Did this mother work any hardier then I did? Why should they be allowed to skip ahead?! They shouldn't and I wont let them.

I explain to my son it's our turn to meet Elmo, pick him up and practically leap down the rows towards the meet and greet line. I make it there a split second before another mom. Did I mention I was the only black mother there. Of course she wasn't pleased. Neither were the other moms lining up behind. I didn't care. I looked at my son and repeated, it's our turn to meet Elmo.


What followed was a parental battle of wits to see who would make it to Elmo first. This mom tried sneaking past me with her 3 kids but I held my position. I moved directly in front of her and blocked her advance every time. I worked hard to get to this moment. My son will have his Elmo experience. On time. Not after.


When it was our turn to meet Elmo and Abby, I breathed a sigh of relief and satisfaction. My job was done. My son would meet Elmo. As I watched my son pose for photos and give Elmo a hug, my heart was filled.


It's not everyday a child gets to have experiences like these. Many children will never get to do all the things my son does. Many children won't have their dreams come true. I know what it's like to be a child and not have your dreams come true. Now as a parent, I want different for my son. When I can, I'll work hard to make his dreams come true.

Because dreams are made to become reality. My parents didn't raise me to think this way, I learn this life lesson the hard way. But I want my son growing up with this mindset. I want him to understand whatever he can dream about, he has the power to make real.

Meeting Elmo is just a start of me proving this point.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Does My Son Like Big and Chunky Girls?

Today we went to the playground. Nothing out the ordinary about that. As usual Daniel made friends with the other kids playing. Nothing out the ordinary about that either. Until I noticed one little girl had caught Daniel's attention.


As I watched them they started an exclusive game of tag. Which was funny because my son did 2 laps around the slide while this little girl could barely keep up with him. In all fairness my son is a bit of a athlete while this little girl.... how to put it delicately....was a bit chunky and not quite so athletic.

They held hands and ran all around the playground. They were having a great time and my son didn't seem to mind this little girl had a few extra pounds to her. That I though was interesting. Will my son have a thing for curvy girls?!

As I watched them I couldn't help but think of this scene from Madagascar 2 between Moto Moto and Gloria

Yeah I know I'm reading into it all but it's still interesting....and good way.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Celebrating a Relaxed 4th of July

This week has been insanely hot so I didn't to want run around outside visiting friends and family for 4th of July. We love our friends and family but not when it's 90 degrees outside. Besides Daniel really doesn't do well in super hot weather. He starts turning all red faced and irate. Better to keep him cool and happy. And me sane.

July 4th Harlem Children’s Parade

So I decided to check out the 17th Annual July 4th Harlem Children's Parade. I never been to it but it's in our local neighborhood, family friendly, and ends with a fire truck turning on their water hose to spray water so the kids can have some water fun. Sounds good to me!

July 4th Harlem Children’s ParadeJuly 4th Harlem Children’s ParadeJuly 4th Harlem Children’s Parade

During the parade families follow the fire truck along it's mini route until it's loop back to the start. Daniel and I opted out of leaving the cool shade of the park and waited with other families for the trucks return. Once the firetruck came back, it wasn't long till the water works started

July 4th Harlem Children’s Parade
July 4th Harlem Children’s ParadeJuly 4th Harlem Children’s Parade

At first Daniel wasn't feeling the crowd of people and all that noise. He's so my kid. But he soon changed his mind after seeing all the fun the other kids were having. Plus I gave him a firm push into the crowd. We were there for cool water fun not standing on the sidelines!

July 4th Harlem Children’s ParadeJuly 4th Harlem Children’s ParadeJuly 4th Harlem Children’s ParadeJuly 4th Harlem Children’s Parade

After my firm but loving push into the crowd, he joined in and began a rain dance. I swear that's what it looked like to me. LOL. He was soon splashing and kick around in the water along with the other kids. I thought he'd be at it for a while but he soon had enough fun and decided he wanted to leave. Did I mention he's so my son?

Truth be told I was getting annoyed with the other parents who kept jumping in front of me like it was their right. I had to firmly tap one women and ask her to move aside so I can see my kid. She gave me a look but did move out my way. She better had. I don't have to tell you these parents were white. Black folks don't act like that. Tsk!

July 4th Harlem Children’s Parade

Since Daniel was over the water fun and now all wet, he decided he wanted to take a walk into the park. Eh. At least he'll dry off. While walking in the park we came across a family of geese. I had to warn Daniel NOT to run up on them cause they will fight back. I can't promise I'll fight with those geese on his behalf. Have you seen angry geese?!

July 4th Harlem Children’s Parade

After he was all dry and finish with his walk in the park, it was time to eat. Daniel doesn't play when it comes time to eat. So we made a quick stop to Wendy's for chicken nuggets and french fries before heading home for a nice long nap. I'd say that was a good way to start and end our 4th of July.

What did your family do to celebrate 4th of July?
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Future Monster Jam Truck Driver? - Wordless Wednesday

monster jam hat and toy truck

After all our fun at the Monster Jam Show (read all my posts here), I bet my son is thinking about driving his own Monster Truck!

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Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Importance of the Blasian Play Dates

Today after picking my son up from the bus, and finding replacement shoes for the ones thrown out the window, we headed over to the park for a play date. I confess it's been a while since I hung out with the other Japanese moms with blasian kids in my area. I see them on a regular while walking around, but tend to say hi and bye quickly and then go on my way.

I KNOW we should get the kids together again but honestly I feel a bit out of place being the only black mom surrounded by Asian moms. Can you fault me for that? It ain't easy looking like the babysitter. Tsk!

blasian play date

But recently with all the "what color am I" questions I've been dealing with from my son I have to acknowledge it ain't easy for him either. The same need to see someone like himself is in his head and heart also. It's not fair to keep him away. And so we....I....finally made plans for a blasian play date. This time with only one Japanese mom and her son. I figured I wouldn't look to much like a babysitter with those odds.

blasian play date

So off to the park we went with two rumbustious boys. As the moms sat and discussed school and other mom related issues, the boys ran around and played tag. When they were tired of that, we formed teams and played soccer. Well we tried anyway. At age 4 and 5 they're not very good at really running and kicking the ball yet. Plus these kids cheat! There was lot of hand carrying and kicking out of turn. I wish I could have gotten a photo of the moms and sons playing but I was to busy blocking and refereeing soccer kicks. LOL

blasian play date

Soon the kids started getting tired, especially Daniel who didn't have a nap, and it was time to head home. As we walked back. Well we walked. The Japanese mom piggy backed her son. Is this an Asian mom thing? Cause I don't think a black mom will piggy back a 5 year old. I barely hip carry my 4 year old. Barely.

Anyway, the little boy kept asking if we're coming to their house now. I explained Daniel is tired and we need to go to our own house and rest. Then I promised we'd visit their house another day.

I promised and I mean to keep that promise.

Because this is the same little boy we meet months ago who was excited Daniel looked liked him. I'm sure it means something to this little boy to play with Daniel. I'm sure it's along the same lines of what it means to Daniel. Something I can identify with but never quite understand.

I know what it's like to want to see someone who looks like you. Who's brown like you. Who can identify with being "black" in this world. But I don't know what it's like to be biracial. To have the idea of different twice being part of your identity. I don't know what my son is thinking about being biracial beyond the questions he asks me. But maybe this little boy and other's blasian children like him does.

This is my son's community. I'm lucky that I found them. I need to allow him full access to it.....even if I do look like the babysitter.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Chillin in the Stroller - Wordless Wednesday

sitting in stroller crossing legs

Mister cool Daniel chilling in his stroller while waiting for me. I had to chuckle at his pose.

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Being THAT Selfish Mom

Ok, I'll admit it. I've been selfish. I'm not ashamed to admit it cause we all know it's true. I've been hoarding Daniel and all the cool things we've been doing to myself. Again. Even after I said I would share more. Again.

Are ya'll really going to blame me for not sharing? Wait. Don't answer that. I know some of ya'll are really opinionated. LOL

me and dan with drums

But really the ability of a mother to be selfish with her child I think is natural. There's that over protective thing the kicks in once we find out we're carrying a life. Once that life comes out I swear the selfishness "mine mine all mine" mind set kicks up another notch. I swear it does.

Truth be told I'm not sharing all the across the board. My family complains they don't get enough time with my son. My friends with kids complain I don't plan play dates with them anymore. Even my son's afternoon daycare complains I picked him up to early. That he doesn't get enough time to socialize with the other kids...and the teachers.

Excuse me?! I actually sorta got into with the daycare staff. I was all like....What wrong with a mother picking up her child earlier so she can spend more time with him? Didn't he do enough socializing with other kids and teachers at his morning school?! I'm not sure what they think of me now but they keep their thought to themselves and just frown when I pick him up. Early!

I admit, I'm slightly annoyed my son has to go to school anyway. LOL. No seriously. I've thought about home schooling. Seriously. I'm not a fan of the public school system, especially for a child with a learning delay. I'm not confidant they do all that they can. But that's a rant for another time.

I know, I'm a bit greedy with my son attention. I just want to enjoy it ALL myself as much as I can. While I can anyway. Soon enough I'll have to return back to work and no more mom and son fun days.

Even though I plan on working part time, there's still that break from each other. A break where someone else is trying to influence my son. Where other people are trying to make him see the world the way they want him to. I worry about that. Everyday I try to get MY thoughts and views instilled in my son to counter whatever people outside are whispering in his ear.

I know I'm working against a ticking time clock. Soon, very soon another jolt of testosterone will kick in and my son will start pulling away from me. I see it already. The hugs and kisses are less now. The "No's" and "I" wants are more forcefully now. Everyday he makes up his own mind about how he views life. Everyday he turns more into a male. Soon he'll be hanging out with other males and doing male things. Male things that don't allow for a mom need beyond feeding, clothing and drop off to some sport related place.

I know one day I'll have to let go. Or more like one day he'll pull away because I don't think I'll ever willing let him go. It's a mother's right to want to be selfish with her child. But we can't hide them away. As much as we would love to. Eventually they have to live and function in this world.

My mom recently said similar words to me when I was sulking that my son had to return to school after his first spring break. I was literally sad. My mom called me out. Selfish. I don't deny it. Then she explained how as parents we need to give space and allow our children to grow. I though that was a bit ironic coming from a women who still call her 38 year old daughter about 5 times a day. And texts me. More then 5 times a day. Hmm

But how do you start to let go? I thought I had started learning when my son started walking. Then when he started school. At all the different stages I thought I was learning about this letting go process. But each day that my son grows, that feeling of "Mine Mine All Mine" also grows within me and I feel like I learned NOTHING about letting go. Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Meanwhile I really do need to update this blog so I have a record of the fun things we shared together (to obsess over) when THAT time comes.

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