Monday, June 24, 2013

A Rose by Another Korean Name

So the other day the Chinese production person had to tell me her American name cause someone called for her and I had no idea who they wanted. Since then I've been wondering about the two name thing or more to the point the three name thing Koreans have going on. Pete and I didn't talk about giving the baby a third name or a Korean name. We just didn't think of it for some reason but now I'm thinking of it. So being me I started doing some researching and asked around how this American and Asian name deal thing works.

For some reason it's a bit different for Korean versus Chinese since Chinese people pick an American name when they immigrant while Korean chose one from childhood. At least that's how I understood it. Anyway, depending on the document (passport, birth certificate, etc) and what there's doing ( working, going to school, etc) they can have either name being used. Now all that's a bit confusing for me in general so I decided to simplify this naming idea I'm twirling around.

I decided to just give the baby a Korean middle name. I already picked the first name and I plan on using the father's last name so that's the only place to add some extra Korean. So I did some research for Korean baby names books. Once again it seem I'm looking for the near impossible. It's amazing the different types of baby name book available...

- Jewish, Saints Names, Biblical Names, etc
- Spanish, Hispanic, etc
- Indian, Hindu, Muslim, etc
- African, African American, etc
- Irish, Celtic Names, etc
- Arabian
- New Age, 90's Names, Celebrity, Favorite Soap Opera's
- Melting Pot
- Chinese

All that but no Korean...I'm beginning to feel a bit of biasness on behalf of my little one. Still I found some books that has sections of Korean name so I gave those a browse thru. Sad to say they only had about 2 pages each of Korean names for boys and girl to chose from. When I compared that to the pages and pages of name from other cultures I felt a bit at odds. I was tempted to give the baby a Native American name since I saw some good ones but figured I had enough racial explaining to do later.

So armed with my four sheets of paper with Korean baby names I begin the interesting task of name choosing. At some point I will need the help of my Korean co-workers to help me correctly pronounce and fully understand the meaning behind any name I find appealing. I sure know how to over due some projects huh?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Exhausted Child Artist

After going on a drawing & coloring spree, my son hits bottom.

Exhausted Child Artist

Apparently drawing and coloring can really tire you out. LOL

Sunday, April 21, 2013

sleepy moment thoughts

As I usually do each morning, I rolled over and watched my son while he slept. As I watch him all sorts of thoughts ran around in my head.

My hopes for him. My fears for him. My promises to him that I need to keep.

We've been have these sleepy moments since before my son's birth. When I was pregant with him, I would lay in bed and talk/think to him. Sometimes verbal, sometimes non verbal using that connection forged between us in blood, skin and genetics.

When he was birthed, I continued enjoying these moments but now I could gaze at his newly birth features in wonder. These sleepy moments were also a time to get a sneak peek into his thoughts and development. It was in those moments that I saw his first smilies and heard his first words.

These sleepy moments are very special in other way. It's also during these moments when I take stock of our lives and my abilities as his mother.

Lately, I've also started taking notice of him and how much he's grown.

Right now he's at the crusph of a 4 y/o turning into a 5 y/o. I wonder what this new year and stage of life will mean for him.

I also wonder what it will mean for myself.

It's no secret that parenting is a challenge. While I don't complain or moan and groan about it, I can never deny that being a parent is to the bone painful. In some ways painful beautiful. In many ways painfully not.

But parents aren't the only ones going through growing pains. Our children go through them also. Lately my son has been dealing with some growing pains of his own. I try to support him as much as I can, but in reality he must start figuring things out himself.

As his mom I worry and instictly always want to protect but

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Kid Behind Glass Window

While waiting for me to finish my business at the banks ATM machine, Daniel decided to have a fun game of hide and seek.

kid behind glass window

Good think the glass windows are clear enough for me to see him "hiding"

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pillow Lessons 101

Tonight my son decided to teach me what to do with a pillow. I'm not sure what promoted this teaching lesson but it was funny to watch him demonstrate what to do with a pillow

laying down on the pillow

He first showed me how to enjoying laying on the pillow. "Like this mommy" he explained

hugging the pillow

Then he showed me how to "hug" the pillow. Do pillows need hugs?!

hiding with the pillow

Then he decided to "hide" with the pillow under the blanket. I had to pretend I didn't know where he was. Even though he was right next to me.

Just another night at home hanging out with Daniel

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Toy Snake Charmer

This week my sister went to one of those amusement parks and won a stuffed toy snake. Daniel immediately claimed it as his new play buddy. I was amazed he wasn't scared of it. Instead he tried scaring me with it. LOL

Toy Snake Charmer

Toy Snake Charmer
Could Daniel be a snake charmer in training?

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Afterschool Pizza

Today after the bus drops Daniel home from school, I decided we should take a walk to one of our favorite neighborhood pizza spots.

boy eating pizza

Daniel enjoying his pizza treat.