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Design by Dzignine
Friday, December 9, 2011

Toddler Winter Arts & Crafts #vlog

Today at my son's daycare/preschool they had a winter festive with different arts and crafts for the kids. The parents were invited to tag along but after all the days and half days I took at work to do things for Daniel, my boss was done. No chance of her allowing me to leave early yet again. So no arts and crafts for me. Thankfully Daniel was able to bring home all the crafts he did during the festival and share with me.
my son's winter arts and crafts
In the below video, I take them out one by one to share with you :) Hands down my favorite is the winter photo frame. :)
At the end of this vlog I shared my thoughts on how I feel as a working who misses school events like this. It's very hard to deal with when I can't be there to do school activities with my son. I always want to be there for my son but I know I need keep working to support us. My only other choice is to find a rich man and becomes a house wife...not likely to happen.... Being a working mom can be frustrating at times like these. I know more moments like this will come as my son grows and his school require more parent interaction and support. Sometimes I wonder what schoosl think? Don't they know parents need to work to pay for school fees and trip cost?! How can I do both things?! Ugh But then I remind myself I can only do what I can. Sometimes he's going to have me there and sometimes he's not. Hopefully for those moments when I'm not there for some activity, we can share what he did after. During the "after" moments I can Oh and AH and I can tell him how proud I am of him. Hopefully being there "after" can be just as good. Hopefully.