Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our First Preschool Christmas Play & Party

When did my son get old enough to be in his first Christmas play?! This was the thought in my head as I rushed from work after my staff meeting. I was hoping to be in time to see him sing and dance. But as I glanced at my watch I knew I would miss his class performance. Damn. But at least I could be there for him for the rest of the daycare's holiday party.

preschool holiday party
preschool holiday party

As I guessed I arrived after his class performance but the daycare was so packed I doubt he noticed *whew*. So I found his class and made sure I greeted him with a big kiss and hug. I tried to make a big deal about his reindeer hat, but he was unimpressed with my gushing. LOL. Apparently the kids didn't nap earlier in the day and they were all tired. As I stood there I wondered why his hat had to be the one that was ripped. This kid!

preschool holiday party
preschool holiday party

We then joined his class, headed back into his class room to wait for a visit from Santa! When Santa arrived he called all the kids by name to come up and get their presents. Daniel needed some encouragement aka a push to go get his gift from Santa. He's not really a fan of the white guy dressed in red and white. LOL

preschool holiday partypreschool holiday party

After getting his gifts, a truck in one package and clothes in the other, it was time for him to give me gifts! In class Daniel had made a picture frame and baked cookies! I tried getting him to hold up his picture frame but he was to busy admiring his skill and creativity. LOL

We then had a snack, said goodbyes to the kids and teachers and headed off to start our holiday. Well at least he did, I had to return to work and finish what I was working on. *sigh* But I didn't care I had to stay long at work after everyone else had gone home. Being able to be there for my son is always worth it.

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~ Y said...

Aww, how sweet! Daniel looks so cute in his little reindeer ears hat - I cant believe they are having Christmas plays already! LOL!! I cant wait to go to the boys' first one.

MsXpat said...

And a very nice frame it is too, I'd be very proud if I were him. Job well done :0)

Asianmommy said...

Love the reindeer hat--so cute!