Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Race is a Parenting Issue For Everyone

I found this post over on Rice Daddies and loved it. While we all know the idea of "race" is a construct,  it still affects many areas of our lives. I like this post because it shows how the issues that race brings up can affect anyone in any culture. On the outside most people see such an asian couple with asian kids. But as he explains even asian have race and culture differences.

Rice Daddies

I also like this post because it's coming from the voice of a father. I wish more dads would add their concerns on race to the parenting community. Within my own community I've encouraged the fathers with blasian child to add their $.02 whenever possible. Being men their not as vocal as women but more and more are sharing. It's still a work in progress, but I'll keep working on :)

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