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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Swollen Eye Leads to a Doctor's Visit

This week I noticed that one of my son's eye was a bit red. At first I thought maybe it was cause he didn't take his nap or something. But the next day the eye was more red and starting to swell. I showed it to the daycare and asked if anything happened? Did he get hit in the eye or something? They felt he might have allergies and they'll keep a watch. By Friday is was worse so I planned a visit to my son's pediatrician first thing Saturday morning since they're closed on Fridays

Even though we went early in the morning there was still bit of a wait before we saw the doctor. As I sat there tweeting and worrying what could be the eye issue, my son wandered around the waiting room and watched cartoons.

Finally we saw the doctor and after she poked, peeked and examined what was the verdict? A eye infection caused by dirt! The doctor felt he probably touched something dirty and then rubbed his eye. She said with some antibiotics should be cleared up with a week. Whew! As I breathe a sigh of relief I noticed that the doctor was still talking. Hmm

Apparently something else caught her son's uncircumcised penis. Huh. It's best I leave that story for another blog. For now my son's eye will be back to normal soon and I'm happy :)

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