Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Being Entertained

An employee of playing with Daniel so I can do my job as "media" and cover the event.


Yakini said...

Cute pic!!! And thanks for the linky love! :-)

MaricrisG said...

Where can I borrow this lady? LOL That is nice of her.

Nikki said...

Yakini, your welcome :)

Maricris, the employees from 1800flowers are always SO helpful. Anytime you get a chance to work with them DO. :)

Quiskaeya said...

ah, such a cutie! i love that he's so willing to stay with someone other than people he knows. he's a people person like his mama :)

Nikki said...

LOL, oh yeah he's real friendly to the ladies. My little Casanova :)

Dumb Mom said...

When did that child get so big?! I'm gonna have to stop by and hang out more often, otherwise I'll come back and he'll be a teenager! Still as handsome as ever it looks like:)

Colette S said...

This is such a cute photo :)

NYC Single Mom said...

so nice. you are lucky. Looks like a fun event.

Nikki said...

parentingBYdummies, These kids do grow fast so please do stop by again. :)

JamericanSpice, Thank you :)

NYC Single Mom, Tt was a great event. Wait till you see the post on it =P