Saturday, August 29, 2009

Update: Noir Mommies Magazine Cover Contest

So after posting about the Noir Mommies Magazine Cover contest and my worries about entering my son's photos....a few comments started popping up.

For the most part the comments were supportive and encouraged me to enter the contest anyway. Even the editor sent me a msg with her thoughts.

Diedra of Noir Mommies sent you a message on Facebook...

I have a lot of friends jamaican/asian who will be featured. The little girl sitting in the washing maching under Candid CM is a Jamaican/Asian her name is Ming Li also Sydney

I started Noir Mommies from the lack of diversity in Parents/Parenting magazine there is always a white child gracing the cover. I have 2 yrs worth of magazines here..not a one brown child. I hope that Noir Mommies covers all the shades of brown/black/yellow children that do not grace the covers of other publication

Noir Mommies is to represent all the other shades that Parents/Parenting does not cover, so please send in your photo!!!


Which I was very happy to see after reading the comments to that post where other moms with biracial kids also expressed concern. How happy I am that Diedra of Noir Mommies wrote that note and eased our fears. Thank you Noir Mommies!


T.Allen said...

*Smiles* I told you so! Awesome.

Nikki said...

LOL, yes you did =)

Mommy Reporter said...

Hi Nikki,

I added you to my blogroll but I don't see my link in yours. Thought we were gonna exchange links...?? Let me know if you still wanna be listed in my blogroll.


Nikki said...

Hey Desiree, I never saw a msg where you said we agreed. Sorry about that. I've added your link now so we're both linked up. Thanks so much =)

Yakini said...

Deidre is awesome! :-)

Unknown said...

Good luck with the contest :)

Colette S said...

That is so true about almost never seeing a child of color on the parenting magazines.

I have to go visit. I love this!