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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

School Breakfast - Wordless Wednesday

toddler eating breakfast

Today school breakfast included an English muffin.

toddler eating breakfast

And a nice box milk.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Make Your Own Traditions - Dear Daniel Saturday

It's Saturday! Time for a Dear Daniel letter

christmas tree shopping

Dear Daniel

During this holiday time it seems like everyone assumes you celebrate the custom of Christmas and all the comes with it, that Santa dude, the presents and the belief system. At school they tell you Christmas stories and teach you Christmas songs. On television they expect you to watch the Christmas movies and make a tradition out of it.

But what happens when you come home to me? Do I pressure you with Christmas? No. Because I do not celebrate Christmas. Never really have. See where I come from our holiday traditions are different. It's not about this mystery man who judges you for being "naughty or nice'. No I was raised with a different view of Christmas. But then I was born in another country and raised with another culture.

But what about you? You were born here. Is Christmas to be your culture?

Many people say your missing out or that I'm neglecting you in some why by not celebrating Christmas with you. I don't agree but still I've struggled with the question for the last 2 years. In the end I've's not up to me to decide.

This is your life and you have the choice to define what you want to do, be and celebrate. From what I know about you I don't think your a fan of Christmas or of Santa but who knows if that will change. As you grow you'll have more peer pressure to confirm to what others think this time of year should be and how you should act.

As your mother, I hope to counter that pressure with alternative in case you want them. I hope to share your different cultures with you so you know there's other traditions you can celebrate. Just between you and me Koreans don't really celebrate Christmas either.

Love you always,
Your Umma

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Our First Preschool Christmas Play & Party

When did my son get old enough to be in his first Christmas play?! This was the thought in my head as I rushed from work after my staff meeting. I was hoping to be in time to see him sing and dance. But as I glanced at my watch I knew I would miss his class performance. Damn. But at least I could be there for him for the rest of the daycare's holiday party.

preschool holiday party
preschool holiday party

As I guessed I arrived after his class performance but the daycare was so packed I doubt he noticed *whew*. So I found his class and made sure I greeted him with a big kiss and hug. I tried to make a big deal about his reindeer hat, but he was unimpressed with my gushing. LOL. Apparently the kids didn't nap earlier in the day and they were all tired. As I stood there I wondered why his hat had to be the one that was ripped. This kid!

preschool holiday party
preschool holiday party

We then joined his class, headed back into his class room to wait for a visit from Santa! When Santa arrived he called all the kids by name to come up and get their presents. Daniel needed some encouragement aka a push to go get his gift from Santa. He's not really a fan of the white guy dressed in red and white. LOL

preschool holiday partypreschool holiday party

After getting his gifts, a truck in one package and clothes in the other, it was time for him to give me gifts! In class Daniel had made a picture frame and baked cookies! I tried getting him to hold up his picture frame but he was to busy admiring his skill and creativity. LOL

We then had a snack, said goodbyes to the kids and teachers and headed off to start our holiday. Well at least he did, I had to return to work and finish what I was working on. *sigh* But I didn't care I had to stay long at work after everyone else had gone home. Being able to be there for my son is always worth it.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lowe’s Stores versus Muslims in America

Recently there was an up roar over Lowe’s Home Improvement pulling its ads from the TLC show All-American Muslim in response to an organization claiming the show "falsely humanized Muslims in America.”

I was a bit disappointed by the Lowe's brand actions but not really surprised. Still it was encouraging to see the reaction for supporters of the show and the American Muslim community, like high profile celebrity Russell Simmons who spoke out against Lowe's actions

My Fellow American project

But it's not just celebrities who are speaking out against Islamophobia in America. I recently learned about the My Fellow American project, which is trying to prevent and overcome racial issues like this in America.

Visitors to the site can share what controversies like this means to them. There's also various content to help spread the message of tolerance from various entertainers and faith leaders on this topic.

Check out the site and let me know what you think -

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Never Stop Learning - Dear Daniel Saturday

It's Saturday! Time for a Dear Daniel letter

Writing ABC's

Dear Daniel

I'm always amazed at how fast you can learn something. One day you don't know your ABC's and then the next day you do. One day you don't know how to say you name, then the next day you know how to say, spell AND write your name. You are always constantly learning and it's a wonderful thing.

This morning as you sat writing your letters, which seems to be your latest obsession, I watched as the letter changed from unclear scribble to clear defined shapes. Yes the letters took up most of the space on the paper. Yes you wrote on all sorts of angles instead of straight across but what you wrote is clear. I can see the A, I can see the M, I can see you figuring out how to make the lines match the shape you know the letters should be.

You want to know something? You've always been this way. Always trying to learn, always trying to do, always trying to connect what you "think" with what you "can do".

From the moment your little mind finds something of interest, it's drives you to achieve some inner goal. I sometimes wonder if that's something I passed on to you. I've been known to have tunnel vision when I want to accomplish something.

Anyway, whether this need to learn is something I passed to you or something that's just all you, I hope you remain this way...always striving to learn and achieve.

Love you always,
Your Umma

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Leaves - Wordless Wednesday

Fall Leaves

Daniel plays with the fall leaves before the winter snow comes.
I love these simple moments of wonder and joy.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

Toddler Winter Arts & Crafts #vlog

Today at my son's daycare/preschool they had a winter festive with different arts and crafts for the kids. The parents were invited to tag along but after all the days and half days I took at work to do things for Daniel, my boss was done. No chance of her allowing me to leave early yet again. So no arts and crafts for me. Thankfully Daniel was able to bring home all the crafts he did during the festival and share with me.
my son's winter arts and crafts
In the below video, I take them out one by one to share with you :) Hands down my favorite is the winter photo frame. :)
At the end of this vlog I shared my thoughts on how I feel as a working who misses school events like this. It's very hard to deal with when I can't be there to do school activities with my son. I always want to be there for my son but I know I need keep working to support us. My only other choice is to find a rich man and becomes a house wife...not likely to happen.... Being a working mom can be frustrating at times like these. I know more moments like this will come as my son grows and his school require more parent interaction and support. Sometimes I wonder what schoosl think? Don't they know parents need to work to pay for school fees and trip cost?! How can I do both things?! Ugh But then I remind myself I can only do what I can. Sometimes he's going to have me there and sometimes he's not. Hopefully for those moments when I'm not there for some activity, we can share what he did after. During the "after" moments I can Oh and AH and I can tell him how proud I am of him. Hopefully being there "after" can be just as good. Hopefully.