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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Learning to say his name

While Daniel knows his name, if you asked him what his name'll get a long pause. I'm not sure why he doesn't say his name. It might be part of the speech delay but I don't think so. I think he just doesn't know HOW to say his name. After thinking on it for a bit I decided to just teach him.

I wasn't sure how to do it but the answer came very quickly with the help of one of his trains. Of course Daniel knows ALL the names of the trains so I used one as an example as you can see in the video. He seemed to catch on to the idea quickly and now he can say his name.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Penguins from Madagascar LIVE - Wordless Wednesday

Penguins from Madagascar LIVE show

Hanging with the Penguins from Madagascar LIVE at Rockefeller Center ice skating rink. Notice my son's penguin pose. LOL

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